
Aqua data studio system requirements
Aqua data studio system requirements

aqua data studio system requirements

Ins tal lat ion and con tin uou s u se of the Sof twa re P roduct will require one or more license keys, which are issued by AquaFold to Customer, and contain license related data that is recognized by the Software Product for automated license management purposes. Cus tom er ver ifi es tha t i t h as com ple ted a f ull aud i t of all use of all versions of the Software Product in its computer systems and that it has properly licensed a ll usage in all versions of the Software Product. 3 U SA GE VE R IF IC A TI ON AN D SO F TW AR E AC TI VA TI ON 2.3.

aqua data studio system requirements

The Licensed user may only execu te 5 simultaneous threads thatĪccess the Open API at any given time. Shared execution of the Open API by a u ser o ther than an authorized user will constitute a material breach of this Agreement. A user other than a named licensed user is restricted from executing any Open API through any other means including indirect execution through command line execution, HTTP request to a socket server that would initi ate the execution of the API or a script that w ould execute the API. This restricti o n includes the execution of the Open APIs through or from any software application other than Aqua Data Studio. The user is restricted from executing the Software Product 's Open APIs in any other manner.


2 O PE N A PI (A PP L IC AT IO N P RO G RA MM IN G I NT E RF AC E) U SE Open APIs allow an authorized user to manually execute a JavaScript file that ex ecutes the Open API by executing the JavaScript file from within the graphical user interface of the Software Pro duct. Access by person s other than authorize d users will constitute a material breach of this Agreement.

aqua data studio system requirements

A single user may i nstall the Software Product on as many as two computers at a ny given time. In the event that C ustomer is an entity, Customer must purchase one license for each user of the Software Product. 1 P E R - U S E R L I C E N S E The Software Product is licens ed on a per- named-user basis. 2 L I C E N S E R E S T R I C T I O N S Customer shall abide by the following restrictions: 2. 1 G R A N T O F L I C E N S E Subject to the restriction s set fo rth in t he "LICENSE RESTRIC TIONS" section, Aq uaFold hereby grants Customer a perpetual, non-transferable (except as set forth under the "TRANSFER TO A THIR D PARTY" section), limited, and non-exclusive license to use the Software Product, solely for Customer's int ernal business purposes, and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. A contract is then formed between AquaFold and Customer. By accepting this Agreement or by copying, installing, uploading, accessi ng or using all or any portion of the Software Product Customer agrees to enter into this Agreement. ("AquaFol d") (with each a "Party" and collectively the "Parties") regarding the use of the Aqua Data Studio software p roduct accompanying this Agreement, including without limitation associated documentation ("Aqua Data Stu dio" or "Software Product"). END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR AQUA DATA STUDIO SOFTWARE This Aqua Data Studio End-User License Agreement (this "Agreement") is a legal agreement between you ("Customer," either an entity or individual person) and AquaFold, Inc.

Aqua data studio system requirements